Your Support Matters

Faithful stewardship is a small undertaking, yet demonstrates powerful evidence that we acknowledge God’s sovereignty. By returning Tithes and giving Offerings we declare God’s Lordship over our lives and further the proclamation of His gospel. So also we support and grow His church.

By clicking on the Give link you will be directed to (with Houston Adventist Church of The Woodlands, your pre-selected home). Follow the “Registration” instructions by entering your full name and secure e-mail address. Once registered you will be e-mailed instructions on setting your password and logging in to give. It’s that easy! allows you to return your tithe and give your offerings online while you do your online banking, are on a long business trip, on vacation, or even if you are unable to attend church due to an illness.

But most important of all, if you desire to give back to the Lord all of your firstfruits as soon as you have them, you can do it immediately through AdventistGiving. Your generous commitment helps add gospel workers around the world (Tithe) and helps cover our needs as we continue to serve in the Woodlands and surrounding  area (Local Church Budget). Thank you!